Yoga for Sleep
Do you have trouble falling and staying asleep? Do you wake in the middle of the night? Trouble falling back to sleep? Do you wake feeling tired?
We all love a good night’s sleep after a long day, and we spend one third of our lives asleep!
Better sleep is the biggest contributor to living better. For many, sleep can be disrupted and 1 in every 3 people in the UK are affected by insomnia, leaving some having difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep, waking in the night and not feeling fully rested after a night’s sleep.
Yoga can help to alleviate these issues to improve sleep and provide better rest, by calming your nervous system, releasing any held tension in your body and slowing down your breathing, allowing your whole body and mind to rebalance and support regular and restful sleep patterns.
Having trained in Yoga Therapy for Insomnia and Sleep Recovery with the UKs leading Yoga for Insomnia expert, Lisa Sanfilippo, I can offer Yoga for Sleep courses and workshops to help overcome sleep difficulties and support healthy sleep.

Yoga for
Sleep Course
6 week course
Yoga for Sleep course looks at all of those issues from a yogic therapeutic approach and will teach you simple and effective ways to help you to sleep well and sleep better.
The 6 week programme will give you the tools and techniques to give you the good night’s sleep you need!
You will learn:
- How to work with sleep on five yogic levels: physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual
- Simple yoga practices to help prepare you for sleep and keep you asleep.
- Breathing practices to help reduce stress and anxiety.
- Easy restorative poses, help you rest through the day, when your energy levels dip.
- Ways to calm the mind to stop those whirling thoughts.
- Retrain your body and mind to develop new sleep patterns for a restful night’s sleep.
Dates and times to be confirmed.
Yoga for Better
Sleep Workshop
2h workshop
In this workshop you will be lead through practices and techniques to help you to fall into a restful slumber and have a good night’s sleep.
You will learn:
- The basics of sleep science and what affects sleep
- Gentle yoga movements to help prepare your body & mind for better sleep
- Easy effective breathing practice to help calm the mind for sound sleep
- Restful restorative yoga practice to help build rest into your day
- Relaxing guided Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep)
The course and workshop is suitable for all levels.
Please wear loose, comfortable, warm clothing and bring a blanket and cushion with you, for the relaxation.
Dates and times to be confirmed.