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Move • Breathe • Rest • Sleep
Yoga & Wellbeing
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Join Michelle for yoga & wellbeing classes and workshops around Bromley and South East London.
Yoga Classes & Workshops update
I am currently taking a break from yoga teaching and making space for my own personal self-care and healing. Thank you for your understanding.
Join Michelle for yoga & wellbeing classes and workshops around Bromley and South East London.
A holistic approach to manage symptoms such as hot flushes, anxiety, brain fog, low mood and more!
Release tension, anxiety and stress, and ease yourself into the deeply restorative practice of Yoga Nidra.
Mindful Flow & Restore
A gentle flowing paced class uniting the body and breath.
Rewire your body and mind to fall more easily into a deep, restful sleep.
“Michelle is a very professional tutor with a soothing voice. Always look forward to her practice.”

Yoga for Better Sleep
“I very much enjoy the Friday evening Yoga Nidra. Michelle is a great teacher, who creates a very friendly and relaxing environment for the session.”

Yoga Nidra
“I love this class! Lovely clean, calm venue and I definitely feel the benefits in breathing and flexibility by coming regularly.”

Lorraine E
Mindful Flow & Restore Yoga
‘One of the reasons many people take up yoga is to change something about themselves; to be able to think more clearly, to feel better and to be able to act better today than they did yesterday in all areas of life.’
TKV Desikachar